Monday, August 20, 2012

Tool 11

From this process I found that doing a blog is not as bad as I thought.  I wish I had taken more time to explore but at least now I have some tools to go back and use through out the year. 

I will be proud to share my new knowledge with the students of which many will laugh because they have been doing this stuff forever.


Tool 10

  Literacy is a big thing where they need to understand what they are reading.  Next is safety, knowing that the information that they are reading is accurate, using the right sites for information.  Lastly, etiquette, which can be thought of different ways.  They need to make sure that they are the right sites, that they don't put anything out on the internet that could come back to hurt them, and that they use their time wisely.  I would love to use the website, Texas School Safety Center, to touch on cyberbullying since that is something that our students have to deal with. 
With teaching the students and the parents, it needs to be done school wide with maybe the I-safe factsheet going home to all students and then anytime the students use technology in the classrooms, the teachers review and restrict what they need to be working on.

Tool 9

It is important to speak the language of the digital natives. If they destroy our technology it is costly and very difficult to replace.  Technology is good for everyone to know and use.  The world is moving fast and we have to keep the students up to date with technology.  That is the way the world moves these days.  Students need to learn to take care of the technology that we have so it is available for all to use.  It is responsibility.  All the apps were geared towards the core subjects and we have all groups from 6-8 and low to high groups in our class.  We could not use one station for our classes.  When it comes to apps we could use on our IPod, I would pick discovery channel, BMI, and maybe calorie counter.  All of them could be in a station.  Maybe they would have to write their answers on a piece of paper to make sure they use it for what it is suppose to be used for as well as keeping the stations limited to time.  Other ways we could use them is for incentives to play games or doodle or even music.

Tool 8

I would love to have I pads.  It would be handy not having to enter my office to post attendance.  I could use the I pad.  With shorter class time getting students dressed, taking attendance, completing a warm up, will leave a short time to complete lesson in class.  Then bringing them in in time to get dressed again.

Tool 7 Using skype

I am trying to set up an interactive lesson through skype with Coach Nevarez's 4th grade at Edgewood on basic ball handling drills.

OBJ:  Have NMS 7th and 8th grade students skype and demonstrate basic ball handling drills for Coach Nevarez's fourht grade to watch and then demonstrate.
TOOLS: Have students in both classes blog about their experience
PLAN: Allow students to interact and learn basic skills..

Tool 6 Skype Edmodo

I would use skype to connect to high school athletes at NHS in different sports.  Track could be useful in technique.

Edmodo is wonderful because it is a safe way for Teachers and students to share thoughts, homework and anything pertaining to classroom situations.

I was unable to embed an example because Tracy was unable to log on her computer to give me Edmodo password.

Tool 5 Sport pics

This is my sport pics book.

Track and Volleyball

Tool 4

I made a form.  Tracey Ache is still the best.


Tool 3

Sometimes I show track athletes video of correct technique and form for certain events.

This is good for our lady discus throwers.

Tool Two

This is a great blog about running.   I do not really follow blogs but this look like a good one.

Tool One

Hard to get the Voki to embed to my Blogger.  Tracy Ache is a god sent.